Veneers in San Francisco, CA

Dental appointment with Dr. Stein

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry treatments in San Francisco, and throughout the country. They consist of very thin, tooth-shaped “shells.” These shells fit perfectly over your teeth, covering up the front chewing surfaces of your smile.

By covering up the front surfaces of your teeth, veneers can hide a huge variety of cosmetic flaws and imperfections, and provide you with the picture-perfect smile you’ve always wanted. To learn more and get started, just contact Sutter Dental Collective at 450 Sutter to schedule a consultation with Dr. Joyce Stein today.

Understanding The Veneers Placement Process

Cleaning & preparing teeth

To begin the process, Dr. Stein will clean your teeth and numb your mouth. Then, she will remove a very thin layer of enamel from each tooth that’s getting a veneer. This must be done to make sure your veneers don’t add bulk to your smile.

Building your veneers

Next, Dr. Stein will take images and impressions of your teeth. These will be sent to an outside dental lab, where your set of porcelain veneers will be built to fit perfectly onto your teeth. You’ll be sent home with a set of temporary veneers to protect your teeth.

Final veneer placement

It usually takes a few weeks for the lab to complete your veneers. Once they're done, they’ll be sent to Sutter Dental Collective, and you’ll come back for your last appointment. Dr. Stein will remove your temporaries, clean your teeth, and then attach your veneers to your teeth permanently. You’ll be sent home to enjoy your brand-new, beautiful smile.

Dentistry on Your Terms

Providing You With the Options You Need

We are aiming to heighten your dental experience at every turn. This includes providing a wide variety of insurance and financing options for your convenience.

Explore Your Options

We are aiming to heighten your dental experience in San Francisco at every turn. This includes providing a wide variety of insurance and financing options for your convenience.

What Cosmetic Issues Do Veneers Treat?

Veneers can treat almost any cosmetic issue, which is one of the reasons why they're so popular. They are frequently used to treat minor chips in teeth, uneven teeth, misshapen teeth, and severe tooth stains that can’t be treated with teeth whitening.

If your bite is healthy and you don’t need orthodontic treatment, veneers can also be used to treat things like gaps between the front teeth or slightly crooked teeth.

Dental appointment with Dr. Stein

The Benefits Of Veneers In Cosmetic Dentistry

Looks and feels completely natural – Dr. Stein will choose a porcelain material that matches the surrounding teeth perfectly, and veneers are built to look, feel, and function just like “real” teeth.

Requires minimal care – To care for your veneers, you just need to maintain good at-home oral hygiene. Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss once a day, eat a low-sugar diet, and see Dr. Stein in San Francisco for preventive care every six months. That’s it!

Durable and stain-resistant –
The porcelain used for veneers is completely invulnerable to stains, and is just as durable as your natural teeth. This means your smile will look beautiful and bright for the years and decades to come.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

Veneers typically have a lifespan of 10-20 years. Proper at-home oral hygiene, regular six-month visits to the dentist, and a tooth-healthy diet are the best way to keep your veneers and your natural teeth healthy.  And if one of your veneers ever does fail or break, our San Fransisco dentist at 450 Sutter in San Francisco can easily replace the veneer and restore your smile.

Dental appointment

Before and After

before and after treatment



before and after treatment



before and after treatment



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Heightening Your Dental Experience